Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Holidays!
This is the hardest time of the year for most entrepreneurs! Facing the end of the year and realizing that most clients are deeply embroidered in the holiday attitude, there isn't must of an opportunity for new business. So should you take the rest of the off and cruise? Definitely not!

I was watching the previews for the Awake Movie and it reminds me of how so many people run their businesses. It’s like you’re telling everyone “I’m awake, I need your business, I’m great at what I do, Why can’t you hear me?” and no one pays attention. I was reminded recently by a client that one of the reasons they’ve enjoyed working with me for the past six years is that I always listen to them, ask copious questions and give them multiple examples, suggestions and resources to make the right choice for their situation.

Find out what your prospects need, want and yearn for. Then create a means to help them achieve their desires.

If you're not currently tracking your efforts in a database, please take the time to set one up. Make sure that you include a field that will tell you in a simple report where you are getting your prospects. Those resources are what you want to focus on in December. Imagine if you were to start 2008 with ten people referring you a new client? The each month you have two more sources for referrals. What would that mean to your year?

You will always be remembered fondly!

Have a wonderful holiday season and think about using the time to visit with you clients, just to check in with them!

My best, Sharyn

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