Wednesday, March 15, 2006
This is according to the IRS since 2000. So why is it that there are so few programs to support entrepreneurs? Why are there so many roadblocks? Why do so many people fear owning their own business?
The fact is with the focus on the downsize market, there is very little attention directed to those who are responsible for dominating the contribution to the economy. Imagine that for the first time in our country's history entrepreneurs contributed more than 87% of our nation's entire economic development.
When you look into starting a business where do you begin? In most communities there is an organization available that is made up of retired executives. You can find out if there is a chapter near you by looking at the Senior Corp of Retired Executives website The challenge in working with SCORE is very few of these volunteers have had personal experience below the XO level. So their level of experience rarely relates to what a start-up entrepreneur faces.
I speak to unemployed mid-level management groups and it amazes me how often one will tell me that it's too risky to start their own business. My question to them is always "You've just been laid off. How risky is it to have a job in today's market?"
I will continue to post the multitude of resources and helpful techniques to guide you to launch your entrepreneurial endeavor and reach levels of success that very few businesses ever realize.